CO₂ AirBreather™ Monitoring

Our Product

CO₂ AIRBREATHER™ MONITORING Powered by Analytical Science & Technologies Group

The CO2 Airbreather™ Monitoring system is a state-of-the-art, gas analysis system in a small, economical, and maintenance-friendly platform that delivers continuous, robust, accurate, and fast gas analysis. We’ve created a simple interface that is easy to read and seamlessly integrates into our operating platforms, enabling remote access to data and diagnostics.

AirBreather Systems™ was developed by Analytical Science and Technologies Group, Inc. at the request of one of the world’s largest beverage manufacturers looking to update their gas purity verification system. 5 years of development, that included 2 years of field trials and 1 year of in-service validation, AirBreather Systems™ was born. A robust, economical, maintenance friendly system, incorporating state-of-the-art technology and proprietary software to provide fast, accurate, readily accessible CO₂ purity verification.

Systems Highlights

  • Fastest analytical system in the market (CO2 Airbreather™ Monitoring System)
  • Mechanically simple, robust and accurate
  • 1 year service intervals
  • Compressed air support gas
  • Electronic validation & verification
  • Seamless integration into ASTG operating platforms
    for data collection, trailer testing and remote operations
  • FDA and FSMA 21 CFR Part 11 module available
  • Secure COA™ Certificate of Analysis Module

Analytical Systems Features

  • 40 targeted impurities simultaneously analyzed
    with the ability to add additional compounds of interest
  • Fully automated computer remote access
  • Touch screen for easy set up & control
  • View real time, historical or diagnostic data
    with on board data bases
  • Multi-point sampling
  • Built In alarm capability for concentration,
    flow and diagnostics

Integrated Software

  • Fully automated computer controlled system
    allows for remote access of data and diagnostics
  • Monitor all critical quality control parameters
    with visual graphics viewable on dashboard
  • Allows for continuous analysis
    of multiple locations

System Components


  • Solid state mass flow continuous sample system controller
  • Sample Safety Tech™ eliminates sample cross-contamination
    ensuring data reliability
  • Reduces sample & analysis time
  • Sample capacity up to 40 control points


  • Innovative photo ionization technology
  • Analyte specific methods available:
  • Benzene (0.5 ppb DL), Toluene (0.5 ppb DL),
    Ethyl Benzene (0.5 ppb DL) and OMP Xylene (0.5 ppb DL)
  • 100% remote operable, full data support
  • 1 year service interval (greater than 1 year PM consumables)
  • Seamless integration into CBAS platform
  • Internal Validation/Verification


  • Broad Spectrum Analysis, fast response
  • Compressed air for support gas (nitrogen optional)
  • 100% remote operable, full data support
  • 1 year service interval (greater than 1 year PM consumables)
  • Seamless integration into CBAS platform
  • Internal Validation/Verification Methanol (0.5 ppm), Sulfur (0.020 ppm)

CO2 Airbreather™ Monitoring: System Options

For those industries receiving CO₂ deliveries from outside suppliers, the Remote Driver Interface Panel (DIP-1) with Storage Tank Control System helps to de-bottleneck the distribution process and the multi-tasking technician while maintaining system security by allowing the driver to interface with the analytical system, using secure sequencing to fill storage tank.

Additional System Options:
  • Panel HVAC for areas requiring panel cooling or heating
  • Up to 40 sample points
  • Heated regulators
  • Rugged external portable shelters
  • Compressed air system for locations without clean dry air systems
  • Data governance systems
  • Service support options

An advanced integrated system developed for manufacturing and scientific processes that require the monitoring and verification of CO₂ purity

​As an ingredient, the compounds found in contaminated carbon dioxide pose significant risk to brand and customer protection.  AirBreather is designed to exceed the ISBT1 Guideline, CGA2 and EIGA3 expectations for known hazardous and sensory contaminant quantification.  With built in alarms for purity and status conditions, deep data base systems and accuracy, major brand protection can be achieved in a single piece of equipment.

1. International Society of Beverage Technologists / 2. Compressed Gas Association / 3. European Industrial Gas Association

​AirBreather platforms are a good investment to new industries. The technology employed in the AirBreather can grow with your business as new components of interest are identified and require analysis. Analytes can be added via internet with no disruption to your process.
Let’s talk about a game changer

Feel free to reach out to us to help us understand how gas analysis through the CO2 Airbreather™ Monitoring system can help with your vision for renewable Food & Beverage Grade CO₂.